It was at an early age—the first grade at Our Lady of Peace School in Marshfield, Wisc.确切地说,是克里斯·克罗尔(Chris Krall).J.2005年,我感到自己被召唤去当牧师. 感兴趣的, which he began discerning with the help of a local priest in the years ahead, found support and inspiration during his time at 电子游戏软件.

“I was able to meet with the Jesuits during my junior and senior years of high school,克劳说。, 并帮助辨别, I was encouraged to attend 电子游戏软件 to meet and work with many more amazing Jesuits that lived, 工作, 并在校园里授课.”

At least 10 other men have graduated from the University and entered the 社会 of Jesus during the past 20 years, 许多人看到了共同的主题:神恩, 社区, and traditions of BC helped support their vocation to the priesthood.

萨姆·索耶,S.J.他现在是《电子游戏正规平台》杂志的执行编辑 美国 杂志就是其中之一.

“Listening to a talk on Jesuit education during spring of my freshman year, hearing the description of Ignatius and the first companions united by a shared desire to ‘help souls’ – it was like God tapped me on the shoulder to say That’s the name for what you want’,索耶回忆道.

迈尔斯·凯利,S.J. ’14

“The idea of becoming a priest was not even on my radar as far as what I saw for myself after graduating from BC,迈尔斯·凯利说, S.J. ’14, who earned a concentration in management and leadership from the Carroll School of Management.

But the “calling”—that tap on the shoulder that Sawyer mentions—isn’t always immediately recognizable.

“The idea of becoming a priest was not even on my radar as far as what I saw for myself after graduating from BC,迈尔斯·凯利说, S.J. ’14, who earned a concentration in management and leadership from the Carroll School of Management.

But countless applications and rounds of interviews led 现在here, 凯利开始重新思考他的道路.

“In my desperation, I 太k a step back to reflect,” he recalled. “I had gone on a Halftime Retreat a year earlier and then taken a class with Theology Professor Fr. Michael Himes, so, I sat down and thought about his Three Key Questions for Discernment: 什么带给我快乐? 我擅长什么? 这个世界需要我成为什么样的人?

This introspection led him to a year of post-graduate service, then onto graduate school at Loyola Marymount University, 并逐渐意识到他, 太, “wanted to live a life of service” modeled after the Jesuits knew.

“I could see how God’s providence was at work all along,” Kelley said, “especially in my time at BC.” He is currently in the Jesuit Novitiate of the Three Companions in Culver City, Calif.

Even when one’s interest in the priesthood becomes clear, 职业生涯的前景仍然是“可怕的”,马里奥·鲍威尔如是说。, S.J. 03年,放.

“我真的没有告诉任何人,”他说. “I remember telling then Morrissey College of 艺术s and 科学s Dean J. 罗伯特·巴斯,S.J.但我太紧张了,听起来像个胡言乱语的白痴. 他对我很好.”

从那里, 鲍威尔, who directs the REACH Program at Regis High School in New York City, began opening up to friends that he was thinking about the priesthood. “我非常担心人们会做出负面反应. 我的经历正好相反. 人们非常支持我,也很好奇.”

迈尔斯·凯利,S.J. ’14

沙利文“萨利”麦考密克,S.J., ’15, said friends provided him significant encouragement. “我的好朋友都支持我的职业,”他说.

沙利文“萨利”麦考密克,S.J., ’15, said friends provided him significant encouragement. “我的好朋友都支持我的职业,”他说. “Singing in the Liturgy 艺术s Group surrounded me with people committed to their faith lives and Mass.麦考密克是圣何塞耶稣会见习会成员. Stanislaus Kostka在St. 路易斯安那州查尔斯学院.

在快速强调教授网络的同时, 俱乐部, and other activities that affirmed their interest in a vocation, 这些BC毕业生说, the interaction with priests and Jesuits at 电子游戏软件 added a level of depth to their discernment.

在教室里, Krall had several Jesuit professors who showed him the many ways he can live out his vocation. Stephen Schloessor, S.J., a former history professor 现在 at Loyola University Chicago, “was the best history teacher I ever had and allowed me to see the influence a teacher can have on students. 我仍在努力模仿他的教学风格.”

另一位良师益友是已故的罗纳德·安德森(Ronald 安德森).J.他是一名哲学副教授,于2007年去世. Fr. 安德森, 拥有哲学和物理学博士学位, taught The Philosophy of Physics: An Introduction to its Themes, 科学, 和宗教, and was k现在n on campus for his dedication to scholarship, 教学, 和指导.

“他是一个大英雄,克劳说。, who is 现在 completing his own interdisciplinary doctorate in theology and neuroscience at Marquette University

Today’s students equally appreciate the relationships formed with BC’s large Jesuit 社区. The Lunches with Jesuits series—sponsored by 校园 Ministry’s Ignatian 社会 of 电子游戏软件 and hosted by the Jesuit 社区—takes place twice-a-week in the St. Mary’s Hall dining room and brings together five students and a Jesuit for lunch and candid conversation. 全年都有人预订.

为不列颠哥伦比亚省的毕业生,现在在耶稣会, those types of candid conversations were key to their vocational journey. They cited more than a dozen past and current BC Jesuits as influential in their discernment, 包括大学校长William P. 莱希,年代.J.,和第一. 凯西Beaumier, 杰克巴特勒, 弗兰克克鲁尼, 特里Devino, 泰德Dziak, 保罗McNellis, 乔·奥基夫, Cy Opeil, 约翰巴黎, 发言人约翰·萨瓦尔德, 罗恩Tacelli, 以及已故的霍华德·格雷和比尔·尼南.

“这些人是他们职业的典范, 使它们更生动有趣, 以及作为牧师的慷慨和忠诚,索耶谈到他在不列颠哥伦比亚省认识的耶稣会士时说.

Kelley, who converted to Catholicism his sophomore year, said that Fr. 托尼Penna, associate vice president for University Mission and Ministry and director of 校园 Ministry, introduced him to one of the gifts of religious life: joy.

“Fr. 托尼的榜样对我影响很大。. “I saw the joy of the priesthood and the graces of the vocation. (从那里)我认识了耶稣会士, 也, 并开始真正欣赏他们的智慧, 存在, 和可接近性.”

托德·肯尼,S.J. ’95

“Being a Jesuit is the hardest thing and the best thing I have ever done. I find great joy in being with men who are trying to do the 魔法师,” said 托德·肯尼,S.J. ’95, 现在 the vice president of mission and identity at Cristo Rey Atlanta Jesuit High School.

托德·肯尼,S.J. ’95, 现在 the vice president of mission and identity at Cristo Rey Atlanta Jesuit High School, 呼应了快乐的重要性. “Being a Jesuit is the hardest thing and the best thing I have ever done,” he said. “I find great joy in being with men who are trying to do the 魔法师.”

这种联系 魔法师——寻求更多,为更多而努力, considering how we can better give ourselves to others—is a link these men share as 电子游戏软件 graduates and, 现在, 当耶稣会士.

“这是一种兄弟情谊,”南卡罗来纳州的帕特里克·海兰德(Patrick Hyland)说.J. ’09. “无论我是在波士顿还是圣地亚哥,圣. 保罗或瓜亚基尔, 耶稣会士都有幽默感, 对事工的热情, 以及改变世界的渴望.”

学生 interested in exploring a vocation can stop by the Manresa House (58 College Rd.)或电邮 与耶稣会或宗教团体的成员会面.

帕特里克·海兰德,S.J. ’09

“这是一种兄弟情谊,”南卡罗来纳州的帕特里克·海兰德(Patrick Hyland)说.J. ’09. “无论我是在波士顿还是圣地亚哥,圣. 保罗或瓜亚基尔, 耶稣会士都有幽默感, 对事工的热情, 以及改变世界的渴望.”