两位有成就的气候科学家, 易明和田汉勤, have been hired as the first Institute Professors of the 席勒综合科学与社会电子游戏正规平台所, Seidner Family执行董事劳拉·斯坦伯格表示.

“我们非常激动地欢迎易和韩琴的到来, 两位世界顶尖的气候科学家, 席勒电子游戏正规平台所和电子游戏软件,斯坦伯格说. 两者都体现了合作精神, 追求卓越, and focus on making significant societal impact that characterize the aims of the Schiller Institute. We are excited about how Yi and Hanqin will work with the BC community to further 气候 change research and interdisciplinary pedagogy at the University.”

席勒电子游戏正规平台所成立于2017年,旨在加强多学科合作, collaborative research processes to address critical societal issues in the areas of energy, 健康, 还有环境. 以BC信托人菲尔·席勒和他的妻子命名, 金正日Gassett-Schiller, 通过一项总额达2500万美元的多年带头捐赠, the institute is housed in the University’s new science building at 245 Beacon Street.

田汉勤,地球科学学院全球可持续发展电子游戏正规平台所教授 & Environmental Sciences (standing) and Yi 明, Institute Professor of 全球 可持续性, Earth & 毕肯街245号环境科学部(座席. 为《纪事报》9月15日的一篇文章拍照.

Insitute Professor of 全球 可持续性 Hanqin 田 (left) and Institute Professor of Climate Science and Society Yi 明 both also hold joint appointments with BC's 地球与环境科学系. (摄影:Lee Pellegrini)

明, 气候科学与社会电子游戏正规平台所教授, 使用气候模型, 观察, and theories to study the physical mechanisms governing Earth’s 气候 system. He most recently served as senior scientist and divisional leader at the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) in Princeton, NJ, where he was also a faculty member of the Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at Princeton University.

他说:“我很高兴能加入电子游戏软件. “The most exciting part is the Schiller Institute’s mandate of fostering collaborations among different fields, 特别是在自然科学和社会科学之间. 我有物理气候科学的背景. 在席勒电子游戏正规平台所, I will be able to put that physical 气候 knowledge to good use by working with my colleagues in social sciences to study the downstream impacts of 气候 change on society, 反之亦然. 此外, we, 作为一个团队一起工作, will strive to produce actionable 气候 information and help formulate a holistic response to 气候 change, 以环境正义为中心.”

明的工作得到了NOAA和其他机构的资助. 他的荣誉包括.S. 总统科学家和工程师早期职业奖, 世界气象组织诺伯特·格比尔-玛姆国际奖, 美国气象学会亨利G. 霍顿奖和美国地球物理联合会上升奖.

“易在大气科学和工程方面的独特背景, 加上他在气候建模方面的丰富经验, and his deep interest in understanding the social dimensions of 气候 change mitigation and adaptation, makes him a superb fit with the Schiller Institute’s ambitions to be recognized as a top institute for 气候 change research,斯坦伯格说.

田, 全球可持续发展电子游戏正规平台所教授, 电子游戏正规平台气候和可持续发展科学的广泛领域, 特别是气候之间的相互作用, 生态系统, and humans in order to find science-based solutions to 气候 change and sustainability challenges. 田 held the Solon and Martha Dixon Endowed Professorship and 校友 Professorship at Auburn University, where he also served as director of the International Center for Climate and 全球 Change 电子游戏正规平台.

在他职业生涯的早期, 田 was a scientist at both MIT and the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, 科德角.

“来到不列颠哥伦比亚省就像回家一样,”田说. “我很高兴回到新英格兰. 在我事业的下一个阶段, 我真的在努力应对气候变化和可持续发展的挑战. To provide a scientific basis of effective options for managing 气候 change risks at local to international scales, it is increasingly important to promote the integration and communication of knowledge across the physical, 生态, 人类系统. The mission of the Schiller Institute is to integrate science and society into the work we do, 所以我很高兴来到这里,专注于这项使命.”

田的电子游戏正规平台得到了美国农业部的支持.S. Department of Agriculture, NASA, the National Science Foundation, and other organizations. He is an elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 美国地球物理联合会, 以及美国生态学会.

他可以说是世界领先的一氧化二氮排放专家, 韩琴带来了他独特的系统生态融合, 陆地建模, 数据科学 to bear on such key 气候 change issues as food security and carbon sequestration,斯坦伯格说. “His international network and experience leading large interdisciplinary groups of researchers will further extend BC’s reach as an intellectual center of 气候 change research.”

Both professors also hold appointments to the 地球与环境科学系, 他们将在哪里教本科生和电子游戏正规平台生.

明 said that a current focus of his research is how 气候 change may affect regional precipitation, 造成干旱和洪水, 极端天气事件, 比如飓风, 暴风雪, 和野火. He looks forward to working with other BC researchers in a wide range of disciplines to better understand the socioeconomic consequences of these environmental disasters and to explore possible technological and policy remedies.

“I think that the cross-pollination between natural sciences and social sciences will yield a great deal of impactful research key to preparing our society for what a changing 气候 may bring about. It is this kind of interdisciplinary work that I am most eager to pursue at the Schiller Institute and BC,小明说.

田使用数据驱动的系统方法来理解, 量化, 以及预测全球生物圈变化的驱动因素和影响, 气候, 人类活动. 他的作品结合了生态学, 生物地球化学, 水文, 经济学, 地球系统模拟, 数据科学. He explores the complex multidirectional interactions in the food-energy-water nexus in the context of a changing 气候.

他目前的电子游戏正规平台重点是生物地球化学循环和气候反馈, 净零排放和脱碳. 提高电子游戏正规平台产品的有用性和可用性, his outreach has engaged with a range of stakeholders locally and internationally. He has worked extensively with scientists and farmers around the world to maintain crop yields while reducing the volume of nitrogen used, 最常见的形式是肥料, as well as to increase carbon storage and reduce the production of greenhouse gasses through farming practices.

田是国际氮评估的协调主要作者. He has served on the Steering Scientific Committee of 全球 Carbon Project (GCP) and as co-chair for the international consortium of 全球 Nitrous Oxide Budget Assessment, 是由GCP和国际氮倡议支持的吗.

艾德·海沃德|大学传播| 2022年9月